Download the jar/exe package from
Unpack the file to a directory of your choice and run the coreide.jar
or the FuzzyIDE.exe (on windows).
From source
Download the source package from
Unpack the the source to a destination of your choice.
Currently, the build process is pretty much focussed on Eclipse, so you might have to download it before you get started.
- Start Eclipse and set the workspace to the folder containing the fuzzyide-folder you just unzipped.
Create a new java project in the workspace and name it fuzzyide.
Click on Next and set the Default Output folder to fuzzyide/dev_framework/coreIDE/bin
Now you have to run the Ant-file located in fuzzyide/products/src/dev_patters/fuzzyIDE
To do so, open the Ant View (Window/Show View/Ant) and select the aforementioned file, then build it.
Refresh the Navigator or Package Explorer and you should see no more errors. -
Last thing to do is to set up a proper Run Configuration.
Select de.htwdd.robotic.coreide.Application as the main class:
Now set the Working directory to ${workspace_loc:fuzzyide/products/src/dev_pattern/fuzzyIDE/build}
Now you should be ready to run the FuzzyIDE